"Over easy egg" [Was: IR thermometers]
On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 13:00:54 -0500, Kate Connally >
>Gloria P wrote:
>> Phred wrote:
>There's also over medium - between runny and hard.
>I usually order them that way in restaurants because
>if I order them over easy I get them with a lot of
>runny white, which I hate. I want the white cooked
>and and yolk as runny as possible. But somehow restaurant
>cooks can't seem to manage that. Thus the white tends
>to be undercooked.
Ah, Kate. You may recall that a few years back a poster,
like a meteor, briefly appeared on our horizons, loudly
proclaiming that he was a chef in a (pick your number)
star restaurant, and that if we had any questions, he
would be pleased to help the NG out. Someone of
the regulars, IIRC, told him that there was more
experience in r.f.c than he could ever hope to gain
in his entire lifetime. Therefore, if HE had any questions,
he might consider submitting them to the group, who
would provide experience he could not hope to have.
I loved it then, and it's still true now!
Alex, long time lurker and student of food.