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Wayne Boatwright[_4_] Wayne Boatwright[_4_] is offline
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Default Food for pain...

On Thu 12 Feb 2009 11:00:18a, Omelet told us...

> Haven't found a single thread I've wanted to really read now for a
> couple of days, I hurt so bad.
> I won't bore anyone with the details.
> What's y'alls favorite food when you hurt?
> I'm just sticking with low carb staples since I need to eat.
> Ground beef, baby spinach and whey protein shakes.
> Still losing weight which is a good thing.

I'm not a low-carber, so what I recommend probably won't be good choices
for you. Also, my choices would depend a lot on what's hurting.

Soft scrambled eggs and biscuits
Cream of tomato soup made with half-and-half
Beef, mushroom, and barley soup
Open-faced hot roast beef sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy
Chicken and dumplings
Sloppy Joes
Spaghetti with meat sauce

Basically, all foods that represent "comfort foods" to you. Those would do
it for me.

Wayne Boatwright
e-mail to wayneboatwright at gmail dot com
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The difference between the blues and the blahs is that you can't
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