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Roast Chicken at Schaller's tonight - Follow-Up
"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> (menu snippage)
>> I'll roast Birdy on my vertical roaster < Dottie's never had it that way
>> before and it's time. I'm thinking I'll give Birdy a rub with some
>> Greek Seasoning and Paprika so he'll look especially tan and pretty
>> coming out of the oven.
> Ugh! IBe****ed! I was trying to get dinner on the table and the
> heathens I was eating with didn't even have the damned decency to wait
> until I sat down before they started dishing their meal. I mean,
> REALLY! After slaving for their pleasure, would it have been SO hard to
> wait for two minutes? WELL, WOULD IT?
> IBe****eder! The damned chicken was underdone. Yeah, I know that's no
> one's fault but mine own. Timing should have had it done. It was
> beautiful. The breast meat was poifect! Poifect, I tell you! The
> rest of it was bloody. Dammitall! I was so ticked off that I <insert
> a collective gasp here> threw the rest of it away. Screw it! (I know,
> that's not the correct spelling!) Yes, I threw it all in the
> trash. I do not wish to see it again. Sue me.
> IBe****ederyet: I *burned* the damned green beans! I was cooking them
> in a skillet (more surface area, faster heating) but neglected to cover
> it, and The Widow Dorothy was yammering about something and I BURNED THE
> DAMNED GREEN BEANS! Who in Hell! burns green beans?
> The salad was good. I made some candied pecans for it. Man, talk about
> a piece of cake to make! At least that went right! Here's the recipe.
> First hit when I Googled for a recipe for candied pecans, it's from
> <>.
> I have no ideer who Helen Rennie is. I don't much care, either.
> 1 cup pecan halves
> 1/4 cup brown sugar
> 1 Tbsp olive oil
> 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
> Prepare a large sheet of parchment paper or foil for cooling pecans.
> Stir sugar, oil, and vinegar in a large skillet over medium heat until
> sugar melts and syrup bubbles, about 3 minutes. Mix in pecans and stir
> until nuts are toasted and syrup coats them evenly, 5-6 minutes. Turn
> nuts out onto prepared parchment paper and separate using 2 forks. Cool
> completely. Nuts can be prepared way in advance (up to 1 month) and
> stored in an airtight container.
> Note: I actually followed the recipe. So there!!
> I used about 1/3 cup in the salad and ate the rest with TWD while we
> were watching Survivor. I got the pecans from a guy on a.f.binaries as
> part of a Christmas gift exchange. He gave me about 3 cups of
> posilutely beautiful pecan halves.
> The pie from Baker's Square was good. Well, good enough.
> Harummpppphh!
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Some days ya eat the bear, and some days he eats you......BTW, I DO have a
bear recipe somewhere.....