Thread: REC: MIL Beans
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notbob notbob is offline
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Default REC: MIL Beans

I thought I'd pass on a recipe for beans that I've loved ever since my late
MIL cooked up a batch for the family and I was invited for dinner (meet
family of ex!). It's deceptively simple and is one of the best bean soups
I've ever eaten. She called it Portagee or Portugeuse beans. I do recall
an annual Portagee Bean Feed over in Oakdale CA, as a kid, but I never
tasted anything like it from any of my Portugeuse friends and I used to
attend a lot of their feeds at the Catholic church. Anyway, here's the
recipe for you chili/bean lovers that might want to taste a little more of
THE BEAN and less of the CHILE. I'll jes call 'em MIL beans. Be aware the
cooking instructions are crucial. Do not ignore or the dish will not be the

MIL Beans

1 lb dry pinto beans
1 lb hamburger
1 med onion chopped
2 cloves garlic
3 oz of tomato paste
1/8 t cayenne pepper
1/8 t black pepper
Salt to taste

Yes, it's as simple as it looks, but there's a catch. All the major food
groups must be cooked separately. Start by crumbling and thoroughly
browning hamburger. Set aside. Saute onion and garlic and set aside. Wash
and boil dried beans (no soaking!) until done. This should be done at a
minimal rolling boil, so all beans are being circulated by the boil and not
sitting on the bottom. Takes 2-4 hrs, depending on elevation. When beans
fully cooked, add tomato paste (can sub 8oz tomato sauce), cayenne, and salt
and pepper and cook for 30 mins more to marry flavors. As usual, will be
better next day.

I can't explain why this works so well, but if done right it is sublime.
You really get the essence of what pinto beans are about and it is so rich
and flavorful, you could eat yourself sick. Not too hot, yet jes enough
spice (adjust cayenne to your own taste). My ex-BIL loved 'em with malt
vinegar. I'm partial to butter covered saltines.

enjoy =D