lol Sheldon Speaks~! Via email, of course ...
brooklyn1 wrote:
> There are few at rfc with a lower IQ than the sqwartz, and none with less
> common sense... even with all his phony geeky mouthing off he needed a
> of comparative newbies to clue him in before he caught on... and while he
> was running off at the mouth with his thumb up his dwarf butt claiming I
> wouldn't know how to access usenet there I was all along, I missed maybe
> hour. What the sqwartz actually knows about computers would fit on the
> of a pin... and what he knows about cooking, only what he remembers to
> regurgitate from moi. Later for you, dwarf.
See folks, just as I predicted, Sheldon has landed on Steve...and on late
Friday afternoon as per usual - like *clockwork*! Steve peeks his head
outta his cuckoo clock - and Sheldon STRIKES...!!! Since I'm in a copacetic
mood and all a-chucklin' from reading this exchange maybe I'll fix meself a
wee drink to get the weekend started...