Thread: REC: MIL Beans
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Gloria P Gloria P is offline
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Default REC: MIL Beans

notbob wrote:
> I thought I'd pass on a recipe for beans that I've loved ever since my late
> MIL cooked up a batch for the family and I was invited for dinner (meet
> family of ex!). It's deceptively simple and is one of the best bean soups
> I've ever eaten. She called it Portagee or Portugeuse beans. I do recall
> an annual Portagee Bean Feed over in Oakdale CA, as a kid, but I never
> tasted anything like it from any of my Portugeuse friends and I used to
> attend a lot of their feeds at the Catholic church. Anyway, here's the
> recipe for you chili/bean lovers that might want to taste a little more of
> THE BEAN and less of the CHILE. I'll jes call 'em MIL beans. Be aware the
> cooking instructions are crucial. Do not ignore or the dish will not be the
> same.
> MIL Beans
> 1 lb dry pinto beans

Okay, I realize I'm taking my life into my hands by asking this, but
have you ever made it with drained, canned pintos?

gloria p

PS: I'm Portuguese and have never heard of this recipe
on the east coast either from mainland, Azorean, or Madeiran
Portuguese immigrants. It does sound worth a try, but at
altitude dried beans take forever to cook.