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notbob notbob is offline
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Default TV Gold Scam

On 2009-02-13, Gloria P > wrote:

> I agree with Jill. I'll hang out with friends any time, but don't trap
> me into feeling guilty for not buying unneeded junk. That's not a party.

Geez, whatta buncha paranoids. I was never invited to a tupperware, Avon,
sex toy party, etc, but my wife was and had a few parties at our place (not
host, just provided abode). I can understand Amway. No one likes those and
you need to be tricked into attending. The others, everyone looked like
they were having fun. They knew what was going on up front and those who
didn't want to attend, didn't. You folks must have some real dicks for

> Why don't men get invited to "parties" to buy tools, electronics,
> gardening equipment, boating or computer or fishing gear?

The amount of beer it would take to pull it off would completely erase any
