Meringue lemon pie done!!!!
Pandora wrote:
> "Wayne Boatwright" > ha scritto nel
> messaggio 5.250...
>> On Fri 13 Feb 2009 09:00:53a, Pandora told us...
>>> Thank you to Wayne. Perfect recipe! Meringue lemon pie it's done. I have
>>> spread the meringue with sac a poche. Meringue was hard
>>> and perfect. Crust had retired a little when cooked. I will send pic
>>> ASAP. Just a question: I will serve this cake tomorrow evening. Shall I
>>> put in the fridge or shall keep it outside? House is not hot.
>>> And another question: After cooking, meringue must be crispy or soft?
>> Store in the refrigerator. In this particular recipe, the meringue will
>> have
>> a slightly crisp exterior and the interior will be soft.
> Now it is a DILEMMA!!! Refrigerator or not refrigerator? Some people here
> told me I shouldn't put it in the fridge.
> Have you ever put in the fridge, Wayne?
I vote "No", do not refrigerate it. It will be fine for 24 hours unless
you house is very humid. The meringue will shrink, and the pie is
better made the same day you serve it -- but not much better.