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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Hard boiled eggs.

Lin wrote:
> Billy wrote:
>> Forty Six Cents an egg? We are getting close to embryo prices!!
>> Wow....I don't/won't spend more than twelve cents an egg....period!

> But these are REALLY good eggs! Kid you not. Plus, we are supporting
> "the little guy" instead of some corporate entity.
> I don't mind giving more for a better product.
> --Lin

I have been getting eggs at an egg farm. They are cheap--2.45 for
a dozen jumbo eggs. But then I saw that although the hens are
free-running, I never see them, and it turns out they are just in
the barn.

Recently though, I discovered another place that no only has eggs
from hens that really have good lives but also pork and lard
products from pigs that get to enjoy their lives as they should.
The eggs, ungraded, cost $6 per dozen. I think they taste
slightly different, more yolky. The taste may not make enough
difference to justify the price, so the debate is how much can I
pay to allow hens to live nice lives.

Jean B.