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Gloria P Gloria P is offline
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Default TV Gold Scam

notbob wrote:
> On 2009-02-13, Gloria P > wrote:
>> I agree with Jill. I'll hang out with friends any time, but don't trap
>> me into feeling guilty for not buying unneeded junk. That's not a party.

> Geez, whatta buncha paranoids. I was never invited to a tupperware, Avon,
> sex toy party, etc, but my wife was and had a few parties at our place (not
> host, just provided abode). I can understand Amway. No one likes those and
> you need to be tricked into attending. The others, everyone looked like
> they were having fun. They knew what was going on up front and those who
> didn't want to attend, didn't. You folks must have some real dicks for
> friends.

Paranoid? Nope, just BTDT. Experience is a good teacher.

People get roped into it with the promise of making easy money without
any effort or investment. Many of the organizations are pyramid selling
schemes and once you recruit all your friends into the business so you
can earn a percentage of their sales of overpriced junk, there's no one
left to sell to. Doh!

gloria p