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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default Happy Friday the 13th

Andy wrote:

> notbob said...
>>On 2009-02-14, Chemiker > wrote:
>>>maverick is a red-breasted woodpecker. That scamp won't stay still
>>>enough for a pic. I sense a challenge.

>>We have some great woodpeckers, here. One particular bird is dumber'n a
>>bag 'o hammers and keeps trying to peck a hole in our aluminum tv
>>antenna. Natural selection should weed that gene out!

> nb,
> Ya know why a woodpecker pecks, don't ya?!!
> Probably got a world of carpenter ants or termites inside it. The
> woodpecker is probably doing you a favor, "sounding the alarm"!!!
> Take it apart and look inside.
> Woodpeckers aren't stupid! They go "where the bugs are!"

They may not be stupid but they might not be looking for bugs, either.
Drumming on something loud and echo-ey attracts potential mates. Hence
the tendency to do things like chosing to hammer on aluminum guttering
in spite of being out in the middle of a forest full of insect-infested

Turns out to be a less-than-adaptive habit, when said aluminum guttering
is attached to a home inhabitated by a sleep-deprived human with a
revolver and a keen eye.

<Woodpecker to St. Peter>

"So there I was, gettin' my groove on, impressing the ladies (you know
what I mean), and all the sudden there was this guy in a pair of boxer
shorts with something in his hand and the next thing I knew there was
this bright light...."