Will it be Sunday breakfast or brunch??
Andy wrote:
> Omelet said...
>> In article >, Andy > wrote:
>>> Bobo Bonobo® said...
>>>> On Feb 15, 5:35 am, Andy > wrote:
>>>>> I settled for nucularized scrambled eggs on wimpy whole wheat toast
>>>>> and
>>> a
>>>>> tall glass of fat-free milk.
>>>> That sounds like something one would serve to prison inmates.
>>>>> Andy
>>>> --Bryan
>>> Bryan,
>>> Yeah, rightly so, but when ya got gout and diabetes and high blood
>>> pressure, ya gotta be picky.
>>> That AND I couldn't wait until 10 a.m.!!! DAMMIT! <VBG>
>>> Best,
>>> Andy
>> Andy,
>> Please pick up a copy of Atkins "The New Diet Revolution".
>> That way you can enjoy eating again...
> Mornin' Om!
> I've successfully Atkins dieted but I don't need to lose weight. I'm
> maintaining at 190 lbs. High blood pressure and cholesterol are a bigger
> concern.
> Sure, my meals would sadden most foodies!
> Best,
> Andy
How are you controlling the last two?
Jean B.