Why Don't I Have a Recipe for Glorfied Rice?
maxine in ri wrote:
> On Feb 15, 8:55*am, Damsel in dis Dress >
> wrote:
>>On Sun, 15 Feb 2009 07:34:36 GMT, hahabogus > wrote:
>>>I googled a recipe pour vous.
>>(Does vous stain if you spill it while pouring?)
>>>Voila Cooks.com says:
>>Did anyone besides me get a chance to see the commercial, probably 20
>>years ago, where a kid proclaims, "Viola!" instead of voila?
>>Hilarious! *It got pulled pretty quickly.
Reminds me of the time, when, as a child, i was taken to a sort of up
scale, fancy restaurant. Where, with a child's certainty i ordered
"peasant under glass" fortunately for me the waiter had a bit of wit and
informed this childish attempt at pretension that they were "completely
out of peasants today."