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Peter[_19_] Peter[_19_] is offline
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Posts: 37
Default I am dieting also.

phaeton > wrote in news:CN_ll.17846$c45.8486

> Or more appropriately, reducing the portion sizes of the food I eat. By
> half. I'm also making an attempt to move away from beef and pork so
> much, and more towards chicken and fish (for lower fat intake).
> I'm trying to go from 180 back down to 140.
> I will have the hardest time reducing visits with my best friend: beer.
> Fortunately I'm sick as hell right now, and not only can I not eat, but
> drinking is waaay out of the question.
> We'll see what happens when I get better though.
> -J

The beer will always be there when you're down to your goal weight. The world
isn't going to run out of it while you're off it. Once your down, then you
can shift onto low-carb beers.

Peter Lucas

"Life is not like a box of chocolates... it's more like a jar of jalapenos.
What you do today... might burn your ass tomorrow."