This is why you're fat
ChattyCathy wrote:
>>>> The photos in the link you posted are questionable.
>>> Why?
>> Good question. LileK is an author who collected photos and excerpts
>> from old cook books (and advertising in magazines dealing with cooking).
> I know that the link you posted is pretty funny - seen it before too -
> but it still doesn't explain to me why you think the link Lin posted
> was 'questionable'. Looked to me like the food (and I use that term
> loosely) shown there was real enough and must have been cooked by
> someone and then consumed by that someone or their poor
> families/friends. <g>
Jill never gave an answer as to why she wrote that the photos are
"questionable." I think it's just that the foods depicted there fall so far
outside anything in Jill's experience that she feels compelled to deny their
very existence. When one of the foods (the Bacon Explosion) made national
news, she tried to insinuate that the stories about it were falsified.
Jill's culinary world is pretty bleak, and "gruel" is the standard by which
all other foods are measured. If it ain't even CLOSE to gruel, then it must
not exist in Jill's world.