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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Will it be Sunday breakfast or brunch??

Stan Horwitz wrote:
> In article >, Andy > wrote:
>> I settled for nucularized scrambled eggs on wimpy whole wheat toast and a
>> tall glass of fat-free milk.
>> Restaurant all-you-can-eat brunch buffet is always a great food-overdose-
>> made-to-happen! ((
>> Maybe NEXT Sunday!

> On Saturday morning, I had a weird feeling in my heart. Barely
> noticeable, but a very mild sense of pressure on my heart and my left
> shoulder was hurting me, but only midly. I called my doctor about it. I
> was out at a meeting at the time, so I didn't hear my doctor call me
> back on my cell phone. He told me to take high doses of Advil and wait
> for our scheduled appointment this Friday.
> I got spooked, so I took a train into Philly with a heavy duffle bag
> full of clothes and magazines; it had to weigh at least 60 pounds. I
> schlepped the duffle bag several blocks to the ER at Thomas Jefferson
> University Hospital. I told the lady at the reception desk that I felt a
> weird feeling in my heart. Two minutes later, I had an IV in my left
> arm, blood drawn, and sensors attached to me for an EKG. After that, I
> received a full chest x-ray. Then I spent several hours reading while
> they monitored my heart and my breathing. I was interviewed by two
> doctors and a very cute young woman who was doing her residency. The
> test results came back negative, so they repeated the blood tests and
> the EKG. At around midnight, I got a clean bill of health, signed my
> discharge papers, and they suggested I have a stress test. I will ask my
> primary care physician for a prescription to get the stress test when I
> am there for a previously scheduled check-up this Friday.
> This morning, I went across the street to eat breakfast at the
> neighborhood luncheonette. I decided to treat myself to bacon and eggs.
> I wheat toast with the bacon and eggs. Breakfast was delicious and only
> five dollars. I haven't had bacon in a while, so it was a treat. Then I
> went on a long hike with some friends that was much more grueling then
> the stress test I had two years ago. I was fine after the hike. We ended
> up going to a nearby dinner for an early dinner after the hike. Now, I
> really have to pull myself away from my computer and do some laundry.
> What a weird weekend!

I am glad that turned out okay. You did the prudent thing. I
often wonder what I would do. Probably assess the situation until
I was defunct.

Jean B.