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Will it be Sunday breakfast or brunch??
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "Jean B." > wrote:
>> Omelet wrote:
>>> Absofrigginlootely. <g> I'm only 46. I'm not going to accept even
>>> being partially disabled unless I have too!
>>> Airrosti has given me back my mobility, I hope it catches on and
>>> spreads to other states. Right now it's only in Texas. At this point, I
>>> feel privileged to have access to this specific Doc':
>>> He's very good.
>> Ah, only in Texas. I found myself gazing at a chiropractor's sign
>> last night, looking for that on the list of treatments offered.
>> Of course, since I am in Massachusetts, I saw no such thing.
> Tell him about it.
> Airrosti is hiring...
> and training.
> I can run again. :-) Not full stride but it's a start. That makes me
> happy. I honestly thought I'd never be able to again. And only after
> falling off a lousy step!
Wonderful progress!
It is scary to think how one's life can change--or end--in a split
Jean B.