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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default I am dieting also.

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merryb > wrote:

> Go for a 2 mile long walk every day, and have 1 beer- the type you
> like. Bet the walking will counter act the beer! I'm trying to lose
> weight also- I've been doing the Wii Fit, and am pretty happy with it.
> Instead of fast food 3-4 times a week, I now have Lean Cuisines fo
> lunch. I also eat something for breakfast, which is something I never
> used to do, but it's helping me not eat so much or without discretion
> at lunch! Lost 12 pounds, but another 30 to go!

I have 70 to go. ;-) Lean cuisines would be a treat.

Whey protein shakes are more my thing right now.
Peace! Om

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