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phaeton phaeton is offline
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Default I am dieting also.

Omelet wrote:

> Whey protein shakes are more my thing right now.

Steamed vegetables and jasmine rice for lunch. I haven't decided yet if
a bowl of miso soup is in order. This selection is more a function of
my lingering stomach flu, but I'm probably looking forward to more meals
like this in the future.

I started eating breakfast about two years ago, after reading how
skipping it can increase your chances of diabetes. I would prefer to
make breakfast the most substantial meal of the day, but due to time
constraints, it's typically a bowl of Raisin Bran, Grape Nuts, or
Shredded Wheat. I don't tend to drink milk by itself, so I feel that
cereal should be a good fiber+dairy component for the day.

I only eat fast food* as a last resort. I try to cook a lot of stuff
when I am cooking, so that I'll have the leftovers to take for lunch.
Once I got into this habit, I just couldn't go back. The last time I
was at a burger joint I was thinking to myself "I paid $7 for this crap?".

Dinner is usually more leftovers. But starting soon I'm going to put
more effort into it. It'd only take 30 minutes to grill a boneless
skinless chicken breast and whip up some couscous and vegetables. Laugh
at my Foreman Grill all ye like.

I mean to exercise every morning at the local fitness center in my
apartment complex. It's just so unpleasant to climb out of a warm, soft
bed, and step out into 10F weather for a trip across an icy landscape.

But anyways... we'll see how much i actually do, vs. talk about it


*fast food: meaning the typical mcduck's, bk, wendy's, A&W, taco bell,
etc. I don't count better sandwich joints such as Jimmy John's, or
places like Noodles & Company as typical 'fast food'. These places are
actually pretty decent, nutritionally.