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Chemiker Chemiker is offline
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Default Food for Convalescence.

On Sat, 14 Feb 2009 21:34:22 -0700, Pennyaline
> wrote:

>Chemiker wrote:
>> The Hungarians have a thing called
>> beteg leves, or sick-soup. My Uncle
>> married a Ukrainian girl who could NOT
>> cook. One day Uncle came home from the
>> Ford plant and was served this dish, and
>> he could absolutely *not* eat it. When she
>> started crying, he explained, "But Honey, I'm
>> not *sick*!" Google the recipe to see why...

>Okay, I Googled. Nothing came of it. "Ukrainian sick soup" --> nothing.
>"Sick soup" --> zip. "Beteg leves" --> bupkes except that Google wants
>to change the search to "betel leaves," with all else in a foreign
>tongue that the translator made a hash of during conversion to English.
>So tell us. What is beteg leves?

First, think about using something other than google. Second,
use advanced search options. There are hundreds of "sick soups"
all over the world.

That language you're referring to is Magyarul, AKA Hungarian.
Beteg Leves is Hungarian for "sick soup". There are many variants,
(of teh soup) but basically, it's beef broth (strength builder), in
which you cook a chicken (universal anodyne), and, since this made in
small quantities, about 1 tsp of Caraway per serving (for settling the
stomach), 1 Tbs paprika (preferably full hot/sharp) for flavor, 2
heads (not cloves) of garlic per serving, minced (throat antiseptic
and phlegm remover), served hot and immediately augmented with
two or three raw eggs. More protein. I've been told that the eggs
also are a pagan magic holdover as emblems of the spirit of
rebirth and restoration.

The taste and odor are fairly overpowering. I watched my Hungarian
g'mother make this stuff for my cousin and almost puked with the
smell of it. If you're all stuffed up and think you can't taste
anything, you *will* taste this dish. If you can't hold it down, well,
you were sick anyway, so what's the dif?

Satisfied? If not, too bad. I could post my recipe, taken from "A
Magyar Szaka'csko"nyv e's Cukra'szat". Yes, It's in Magyarul. No I
will not translate for you. Sorry. It is not my purpose on this earth
to be your teacher.

Alex, bored with this thread.

BTW: After Google's admission that their staff rigs the answers to
searchers' queries, and the discovery that their search engine can be
and is often tweaked and skewed for personal reasons, I'm surprised
you *trust* them to give you a straight and honest response. (Over a
year ago it was discovered that their system was rigged to return
sites about G. W. Bush in response to the search term "failure".
Google admitted that query responses were skewed by their staff about
4-5 weeks ago, IIRC.) If you don't know this, it's your problem, not