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RFC and web browsing!?!
jack said...
> Andy wrote:
>> RFC and web browsing!?!
>> I don't know why or how but when I open a blank web browser window and
>> type www, pops out in a sub-menu.
>> No history or cookies are saved. IT'S SOME KINDA RFC FOOD VIRUS
>> THINGY!!!?
> You definitely need to see a specialist - it's not a virus, it's an
> addiction. The question is who is addicted, the computer or the user.
>> I'm clueless! AND THAT AIN'T ALL!!!
> Your browser is just trying to be too clever for your own good.
> is honored by having the privilege to be the first
> site in your otherwise clean browsing history.
> jack(2D)
2D Jack?
Is that you???
We finally meat!!! <G>