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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default I am dieting also.

koko wrote:

> On Mon, 16 Feb 2009 18:47:26 -0800 (PST), merryb >
> wrote:
>>On Feb 16, 3:54 pm, koko > wrote:
>>>On Mon, 16 Feb 2009 12:59:45 -0600, Omelet >
>>>>In article >,
>>>>phaeton > wrote:
>>>>>at my Foreman Grill all ye like.
>>>>>I mean to exercise every morning at the local fitness center in my
>>>>>apartment complex. It's just so unpleasant to climb out of a warm, soft
>>>>>bed, and step out into 10F weather for a trip across an icy landscape.
>>>>>But anyways... we'll see how much i actually do, vs. talk about it
>>>>I love my Hamilton Grill. It's like the Foreman, but cheaper. ;-)
>>>>Good luck with your exercise program. I'm using my mat and Airrosti
>>>>No pain, no gain!
>>>I have a new exercise program also. It's called the new puppy program.
>>>I even get to exercise in the middle of the night Yippiee!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>There is no love more sincere than the love of food
>>> George Bernard
>>>updated 02/16

>>I'm going to start that plan myself in the next few months...what kind
>>of puppy did you get? I'm leaning towards a German Shepard...

> We got a Queensland Heeler, an energetic little girl. She thinks her
> name is NO!!

I love herding breeds. Gotta watch them around little kids, though. If
they don't have sheep or cattle to herd they'll gladly make due with
children and neither the children nor their parents will be happy about it.

My border collies try to herd the cats at the stable. Talk about
frustration... And then poor Zane was checking out the north end of a
southbound kitty, got scratched across the nose and screamed like a
little girl. Now when we go to the farmer's co-op, the resident cats
come over and stare at him through the glass door and he gets all
freaked out and clingy and tries to hide behind my knees. I swear they
can smell fear.