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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Posts: 7,545
Default The end of analog TV begins today!

In article >, Andy > wrote:

> The end of analog TV begins today!
> Some have pushed the cutoff date until June but today marks the beginning of
> digital-only television.
> The push back was a result of the government converter box coupon offer
> Fidiots!

You shouldn't call your friends "fidiots". Many here got the coupons.
They have satellite or cable, so have no use for them, but they were
free, so why not? Some of those people went ahead and bought the boxes,
because the coupons were going to expire. Those boxes will sit in their
basement or garage until they have aged sufficiently, at which point
they will be offered at the next garage sale for pennies on the dollar.
They only cost US$10 after the coupon, so why not? Better safe than
sorry. They've got 'em if they need 'em.

In the meantime, those who actually needed the boxes waited until the
coupons were all gone. Now, they're stuck, and the US government wasn't
willing to cut them off. So, they're getting another chance. After the
coupons expire for those folks who didn't actually need them, then new
coupons will be issued. For those who want to wait a few months, note
that there is a cutoff, and those who get their requests in first get
coupons (once the unused coupons expire):

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA