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merryb merryb is offline
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Default I am dieting also.

On Feb 17, 10:29*am, "Zeppo" > wrote:
> >> The beer will always be there when you're down to your goal weight. The
> >> world isn't going to run out of it while you're off it. Once your down,
> >> then you can shift onto low-carb beers.

> > Therein lies the problem... *the beers that I like tend to be substantial
> > craft and microbrewed stuff... heavy porters and thick lagers and whatnot.
> > I've never looked it up, but I'm willing to bet that a lot of the usual
> > stuff I like (mostly locally brewed) is way off the charts in carbs and
> > calories compared to your standard Budweiser/Coors/MGD or whatever the
> > average American drinks. *On average it's typically 6.5% to 10% ABV, if
> > that's any indicator.

> > But alas, I must cease. *Of anything, once I do return, I'll both be
> > lighter and my tolerance will come down, so I won't have to drink as much
> > to reach and maintain that "warm fuzzy feeling". *:P

> > -J

> J,
> Maybe switch to wine? I (and my doctor) decided I needed to lose a lot of
> weight last spring due to
> some impending cardiac issues. One of my major issues was I was indulging
> the beer snob in my
> soul way too often. Since I was on my way to becoming a student of the grape
> I decided to switch
> my efforts to being a wine snob instead.
> This really helped my losing weight. It was fun, too. If you think there's a
> lot of wonderful beers
> out there to enjoy and admire, there has to be 100 times the number of wines
> available. You'll find the same
> endless varieties, pride of craftsmanship and attention to detail that you
> see in a good craft beer.
> Eating less and lots of exercise did the rest. Over 50 lbs. in 6 months.
> Cardiac issues are gone.
> BP and cholesterol are better than they've been in 30 years.
> You can do it too. Give it a shot.
> Jon- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Good for you- that's excellent! I recently switched to wine myself.