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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Cooking Broccoli (and other veggies)

"maxine in ri" > wrote in message
>I love steamed broccoli. But the only way I seem to be able to get it
> crisp-tender is to buy the frozen and follow the directions.
> Yesterday, I got two pounds on the quick-sale rack that probably
> shouldn't have been there. it's perfect, after a night in ice water.
> I've tried following the directions in Joy and Fannie, but somehow end
> up with either hard-crisp (and bright green) or puke-yellow-green and
> limp as a rag.
> Suggestions for size of pot, depth of water under steamer basket, size
> of floret pieces, and (you betcha) time steaming over what heat (keep
> it on high, lower to a simmer?) appreciated.

It's best to cook broccoli florets and stem portions as two separate
vegetables... cook the stems about half way then add the florets... and it's
a good idea to peel the stems. I like to use the thickest parts of the
peeled stems raw, as crudites or sliced into a salad.