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koko koko is offline
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Default I am dieting also.

On Tue, 17 Feb 2009 08:19:01 -0600, Kathleen
> wrote:

>koko wrote:
>> On Mon, 16 Feb 2009 18:47:26 -0800 (PST), merryb >
>> wrote:
>>>On Feb 16, 3:54 pm, koko > wrote:
>>>>On Mon, 16 Feb 2009 12:59:45 -0600, Omelet >
>>>>>In article >,
>>>>>phaeton > wrote:
>>>>>>at my Foreman Grill all ye like.
>>>>>>I mean to exercise every morning at the local fitness center in my
>>>>>>apartment complex. It's just so unpleasant to climb out of a warm, soft
>>>>>>bed, and step out into 10F weather for a trip across an icy landscape.
>>>>>>But anyways... we'll see how much i actually do, vs. talk about it
>>>>>I love my Hamilton Grill. It's like the Foreman, but cheaper. ;-)
>>>>>Good luck with your exercise program. I'm using my mat and Airrosti
>>>>>No pain, no gain!
>>>>I have a new exercise program also. It's called the new puppy program.
>>>>I even get to exercise in the middle of the night Yippiee!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>There is no love more sincere than the love of food
>>>> George Bernard
>>>>updated 02/16
>>>I'm going to start that plan myself in the next few months...what kind
>>>of puppy did you get? I'm leaning towards a German Shepard...

>> We got a Queensland Heeler, an energetic little girl. She thinks her
>> name is NO!!

>I love herding breeds. Gotta watch them around little kids, though. If
>they don't have sheep or cattle to herd they'll gladly make due with
>children and neither the children nor their parents will be happy about it.
>My border collies try to herd the cats at the stable. Talk about
>frustration... And then poor Zane was checking out the north end of a
>southbound kitty, got scratched across the nose and screamed like a
>little girl. Now when we go to the farmer's co-op, the resident cats
>come over and stare at him through the glass door and he gets all
>freaked out and clingy and tries to hide behind my knees. I swear they
>can smell fear.

We are really blessed. If I had a choice, I wouldn't have picked this
breed, now I wouldn't trade her for the world and would have a heeler
again. I have since found out what smart dogs they are and she has so
much personality.

Our little Yorkie died last year. A local "cowboy" that raises and
trains heelers offered Stan a dog whenever we were ready for another
dog. What a great gift as his dogs are quite expensive.
I'm a happy girl.


There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 02/16