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Sqwertz[_27_] Sqwertz[_27_] is offline
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Posts: 694
Default [Attempted] Robbery Followup (was Steve and Sam On The Run)

cybercat wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote
>> The white trash down there - or even many of the whites that *aren't* -
>> are
>> scary enuf...
>> Texas is a wierd state...

> The worst racism I encountered was in my native Baltimore--which I consider
> a northeastern city, Mason and Dixon aside. When I was in Texas I lived in
> Houston, didn't notice it so much there.
> Point is, to allow something like racism to grow from a bad incident with a
> single person (or ten or one hundred people, for that matter) is sadder than
> anything that might have happened in said incident. It is a choice, and a
> malicious one. Assholes, thugs and thieves come in all colors, shapes and
> sizes.

This is one of those things that until it happens to you a few times
(along with the sheer brazenness of the incidents coupled with the
one-sided verbal exchanges), then maybe you don't have a clue WTF you're
talking about.

Do you also counsel rape victims, drug addicts, sexaholics, and
wife-beaters? (assuming you haven't experienced any of that either).

ObFood: Pork spread sandwich with roasted red bell peppers, lettuce, and
herbed goat cheese for breakfast.
