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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default [Attempted] Robbery Followup (was Steve and Sam On The Run)

Gregory Morrow wrote:

> cybercat wrote:
>>"T" > wrote in message
>>>In article >,
>>>>"T" > wrote
>>>>>Depends on what state you're in. Here in RI VicWit (Victim/Witness
>>>>>Program) is a big deal.
>>>>Don't you have a big Mob presence up there?
>>>It used to be fairly large, now it's pretty much underground. I've
>>>chatted with the head of the New England Mob on a few occasions. He
>>>hangs out at the laundromat where I used to do my laundry.


> I'd think the head of the mob would have a wife to do his laundry...

Maybe not. Those big-assed front-loading triple load machines are great
for cleaning large items like horse blankets, scuba suits and the
occasional blood-stained waterproof tarp.

Don't forget the bleach if you're worried about DNA.