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Tracy[_2_] Tracy[_2_] is offline
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Default Restaurants in My Pocket!

Kathleen wrote:
> Tracy wrote:
>> Kathleen wrote:
>>> My husband and I throw our change into a giant jar. When it starts
>>> looking pretty full we count and roll it up while watching TV. Over
>>> the years we've bought a $2,000 CD for an IRA, bookcases, plane fare
>>> to Phoenix for a family emergency, Valentine's Day donations to the
>>> American Heart Association at our kids' schools (a penny for your
>>> heart!) and two different trampolines.
>>> The funds accumulate more slowly than they used to - the kids raid it
>>> for Slurpee money.

>> I have one of those water cooler bottles - 5 gallons? - filled maybe a
>> fifth of the way with mostly silver. There has got to be a couple-few
>> hundred dollars in there. The DH has periodically taken money from it
>> for trips to Foxwoods Casino but for the most part it has been left
>> alone.
>> I really should wrap it up and put it in the bank. None of the banks
>> around me have free coin counting and I will not put it in one of
>> those coinstar machines.
>> Tracy
>> (who is going to the bank today to get some coin wrappers - a lot of
>> coin wrappers)

> Good for you. IIRC, Coinstar charges 7.5% for totaling up your coinage.
> Blow that!
> Count and roll it up yourself while watching something mindless.

Um, does watching American Idol count as mindless? ;-)
I think Coinstar is free if you put your cash on an amazon card or maybe
Bestbuy. I am not interested in limiting myself like that as much as I
buy from both....
