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Lynn from Fargo Lynn from Fargo is offline
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Default REC: Chicken Bog

On Feb 18, 12:04*pm, "Lisa Ann" > wrote:
> Since I'm back to lurking here, I figured I could at least post a recipe of
> something I made recently.
> Chicken Bog is a low-country (SC) dish that my (new) hubby taught me how to
> make. *This stuff is *good*! *All measurements are approximate,
> unfortunately, since I don't measure when I cook.
> 2lbs boneless, skinless chicken thights
> 1 lb good andouille sausage (I get mine from Whole Foods)
> 5-6 celery ribs
> 2 large onions
> 1-2 large bell peppers (any color)
> Lots of coarse ground pepper
> Lots of 5-pepper spice powder
> Lots of Frank's Hot Sauce
> Lots of Tabasco Sauce
> 3 cups of rice
> Couple of bay leaves
> Couple of pinches of kosher salt
> Fill a your stock pot or soup pot with cold water. *Throw in the chicken
> thighs, 2 ribs of celery (diced), 1 whole onion (quartered), the salt and
> some pepper and a bay leaf. *Simmer for a couple of hours until the chicken
> is done and falling apart. *Remove the chicken to a plate and let cool until
> you can shred it. *Skim the fat off the broth, then strain it and pitch the
> now cooked-to-death celery and onion. *Slice the andouille up and put it in
> the broth, along with the remaining celery and onion and the bell peppers
> (diced). *Shred the chicken and return that to the pot. *Simmer until the
> andouille is done. *Pour in the 3 cups of rice (make sure you've got at
> least 6 cups of broth in the pot - the goal is to make a gloppy mess, not to
> have fluffy rice *If you don't have enough, add low-sodium chicken broth to
> the pot.) *Simmer until you can throw a spoonful of the stuff against the
> wall and it sticks. *While you're stirring and waiting for the rice to
> stick, add pepper, 5-pepper powder, Franks and Tabasco. *When you think
> you've added enough, add more. *And then more.
> We had this a couple weeks ago, and made my mom try it. *She hates spicy-hot
> food. *Which probably explains why she'd eat a spoonful, complain how hot it
> was...and then eat another spoonful...and another...the stuff's addictive..
> Enjoy!
> Lisa Ann

Thanks for the recipe. I have only been to SC once, but everything I
ate there was terrific and everything I've ever cooked from a SC
recipe has been a keeper too! I am in love with She-crab Soup. Ate it
in Charleston - prettiest town I've ever seen - sorry, Abilene ;-)
Lynn in Fargo
PS: Stop lurking and keep posting! We'll protect you from the
enema . . . uh, I mean enemy.