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Nancy Young[_2_] Nancy Young[_2_] is offline
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Default Restaurants in My Pocket!

jmcquown wrote:
> "Nancy Young" > wrote

>> It's a very good concept. And my gas is cheaper than a lot
>> of places, too. It's all good.

> I dunno. I just filled my tank for $1.70/ gallon but I didn't have
> some guy rush out to wash my windshield or check the oil or put the
> air in my tires. To me that's what "full service" means. I haven't
> seen that scenario in years. And I've been pumping my own gasoline
> since the 1970's

They'll check your oil for you, maybe even clean your windows
if you ask. Not automatically.

>>> Granted, every state
>>> (and bank) is bound to be different. I never heard of a bank not
>>> accepting rolled coins.

>> For free. They do accept them, you just pay.

> We must have our wires crossed. My bank doesn't charge if I bring in
> rolled coins. And I don't use their machine to count them. I just
> count them, wrap them, take them in... no charge.

You said you never heard of a bank not accepting rolled coins.
I'm saying banks around here will accept them, but a lot of
them charge for it.

Also, when I say around here, I don't just mean in my state.
It's not a state thing like the gas pumping thing.
