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bulka[_2_] bulka[_2_] is offline
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Default Restaurants in My Pocket!

On Feb 18, 2:09 pm, Dan Abel > wrote:
> In article >,
> notbob > wrote:
> > On 2009-02-18, Andy > wrote:

> > > Quite amazing to have all that information in my pocket! Life changing as
> > > far as convenience goes.

> > Wow! And this only costs what?.... $300-400 + $80-100 mo + service fees
> > versus the same info in a free phone book. Such a deal.

> Didn't we just have this interchange?
> My daughter wanted an Iphone. As I remember, they were US$600 plus
> US$100 a month. She didn't want one *that* bad.
> The second generation Iphone came out in the last few months:
> 8GB new US$199 (2yr contract), US$99 refurb
> 16GB new US$299, US$199 refurb
> We used to have Cingular, but now AT&T bought them out, so we already
> had the service:
> jsp?q_sku=sku3270242&q_package=sku3130222&_request id=383238
> We have a family plan, so it costs US$10 a month for the basic service
> for her phone.
> The US$30 for data is not optional with the Iphone, and covers unlimited
> data within the US.
> Text messaging is separate. I don't remember what my daughter has, but
> the price ranges (see above) from US$.20 per message, to US$20 per month
> for unlimited. For US$5, you get 200 messages per month.
> I didn't see any other charges. I tried to look up GPS, but it didn't
> like my browser. GPS was listed as a feature, and there was nothing
> about a charge for it. You do need some kind of data plan, but since
> that isn't optional, it doesn't add to the cost, over and above the
> US$30.
> I don't want one, but if I did, I would be looking at US$99 for the
> phone plus US$30 a month, in addition to the US$10 I now pay per month.
> --
> Dan Abel
> Petaluma, California USA

This has been a wierd pairing of threads - fancy phones and counting
spare change. And yet, you can't eat either one.

My 2 cents - I've got a simple, pre-paid cell and don't like using
it. It came with a camera, but I can't send pics or get them to the
computer, so, what's the point? Maybe if I am in an accident, or see
a UFO.

Change - I try to pay with exact change when I can. A few coins in
pocket is a defensive move - if I can give the clerk a nickle and a
penny she won't have to give me 94 cents in change.
