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Andy[_15_] Andy[_15_] is offline
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Default Restaurants in My Pocket!

bulka said...

> Change - I try to pay with exact change when I can. A few coins in
> pocket is a defensive move - if I can give the clerk a nickle and a
> penny she won't have to give me 94 cents in change.

In most PA stores they offer a "take a penny, leave a penny" system. They
leave out a small tray with pennies you can freely draw from with the honor
system of you dropping a few back in the tray when you can, to pay back the
debt. One of the nicest things I've ever seen. I've never taken more than a
nickel, and I always pay them back.

I also wondered about the 180° thread drift. I guess the cost of cellphones
and wireless expenses.
