Restaurants in My Pocket!
Andy wrote:
> I called around and found banks in town that count coins for free. No
> wrapping coins.
> The idea of paying coinstar, what is it, 7%? What investments these days
> earn that kind of return on investment??? They're a rip-off.
> I only store a 16 ounce plastic cup of coins at a time. A friend had the 5-
> gallon water bottles filled with coins. You couldn't pick the thing up!
> Andy
I called around a couple of months ago and NONE of the major banks
offered coin counting. This is the Boston area.
As far as I know, my bank will take my wrapped coins without a fee.
I have a now way nearly full 5 gallon water jug and let me tell you, I
am switching to a smaller container after I finish wrapping up what I have.