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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default Will it be Sunday breakfast or brunch??

In article >,
Lou Decruss > wrote:

> On Mon, 16 Feb 2009 20:43:05 -0500, Goomba >
> wrote:
> >Gloria P wrote:
> > Doctors are millionaires who have to build medical
> >> centers to shelter their income and a growing percentage of the
> >> population can't afford medical care.
> >>
> >> What's wrong with that picture?
> >>
> >> gloria p

> >
> >Do doctors deserve more pay than your auto mechanic?
> >Do they hold more risks than your auto mechanic?
> ><shrug>

> Obviously the doctor and the mechanic will give different answers.

Obviously, the doctor is not going to ask to get less money, but still,
a lot of doctors are complaining about medicine in the US. They
sometimes aren't allowed to make their own medical decisions because the
insurance company reserves that right, they can't treat some patients
because the patients can't afford it and they know that there are
patients who need medical care who aren't getting much of anything.
Combine that with inappropriate medical care (the homeless who get all
their routine care in the ER, and still don't get treated for really
simple things that eventually turn into really expensive things), and
some doctors are getting frustrated.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA