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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default Restaurants in My Pocket!

Dan Abel wrote:

> In article >,
> sf > wrote:
>>On Wed, 18 Feb 2009 21:25:22 -0800, Dan Abel > wrote:

>>>That's because Mr. sf does all the grocery shopping. Ask him about it

>>What absolutely floors me is how people can go on and on about
>>finances, but have so much spare change that they need a coin counter
>>to count it for them. This is not an rfc exclusive. Look at the
>>state of the country! People are bleeding money, yet they need a
>>machine to count their spare change???? It doesn't add up.

> You and I have both been around the block. When I was a kid, I could go
> to the corner store with one single penny and spend a couple of minutes
> deciding what kind of penny candy to buy. As I got a little older, I
> noticed that all the cheap restaurants served unlimited coffee for one
> dime. Since those days, there has been a lot of inflation. Money just
> isn't worth much anymore. I'll walk down the sidewalk and see a shiny
> penny. I'll watch half a dozen kids walk right by it. It's not worth
> their time to bend over and pick it up. What can you buy for a penny?
> What can you buy for a quarter? Not much.

I'll always stop to pick up change and add it to the handful in my
pocket. A few quarters will buy lunch for a student who might otherwise
be eating the free PB&J sandwich our district offers to those kids
without cash. It'll also buy protein snacks out of the vending machines
for kids at our alternative high school who haven't eaten since lunch
yesterday and can't think straight during the morning hours.