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Nancy Young[_2_] Nancy Young[_2_] is offline
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Default PING::aem Freezing cornbread?

aem wrote:
> On Oct 21, 7:17 pm, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> aem wrote:

>>> ....a shrimp dish --
>>> .... It's in Mark Bittman's "Best Recipes in the World." I'll post
>>> it if you want.

>> If you get a chance, I would like that. [snip]

> 1. Toss 1.5 to 2 lbs. shrimp in 1/4 cup fresh lime juice, set aside.
> 2. Process or blend: 4 garlic cloves, 2 small tomatoes, chipotle
> chiles in adobo to taste. (the recipe says "a can of" but notes that
> even one will be hot. I use 2 for a pound of shrimp but we're fairly
> wimpy.)
> 3. In a large pan over medium-high heat cook 1 small chopped onion in
> oil until soft. Stir in the processed sauce and cook about 5 minutes,
> stirring constantly. It will thicken and darken. Add the shrimp,
> with its marinade, a cook, still stirring, until done, about 4
> minutes. At the end, stir in a teaspoon of dried Mexican oregano, s&p
> to taste, garnish with parsley or cilantro. Serve with lots of
> rice.

It's been a long time since you posted this recipe for me.
I never seemed to be able to have the ingredients for it
in the house all at the same time.

Made this last night for dinner. Yup, went a little overboard
with the chipotles, so it was *hot*, but it was delicious and
I wanted to thank you again for the recipe. Next time I
will be more respectful of the heat. Heh.
