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Monroe, of course...
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Default Good Meat Thermometer with Remote Probe?

In article >, (Charles
Demas) wrote:

> In article >,
> Andy Yee > wrote:
> >I would like to find a decent meat thermometer that I can use in both
> >an oven and a grill. Any ideas?

> You could use one that uses a thermocouple for the sensor.
> I think thermocouple wire will survive pretty high temperatures.
> Even more expensive would be a system using an RTD as the
> sensor.

I've fried 5 or 6 cheap polders and their clones. In the same 10 year
period, I've used my Fluke model 51 K-type thermocouple readout
constantly - needing only the occaisional battery change and the even
less occaisional probe repairs. Pros-Quick response, temps up to 2000F,
easily, built like a tank, can be calibrated somewhat. Cons- it doesn't
alarm, costs a bit, needs a sheath for use as a meat thermo.

monroe(gives it 5 stars out of 5)