[Attempted] Robbery Followup (was Steve and Sam On The Run)
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> cybercat > wrote:
>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> cybercat > wrote:
>>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> cybercat wrote:
>>>>>> You don't have a clue what has or has not happened to me, racist pig.
>>>>> Must have been something harrowing for you to be such a sour-puss
>>>>> all the time.
>>>> Come on, Steve. You know that announcing that the fact that you were
>>>> the
>>>> victim of one or more attempted or otherwise robberies had turned you
>>>> into a
>>>> "newborn racist" would get reactions. That's why you said it, right? Or
>>>> are
>>>> you really this big a moron? The people suffering most from black thugs
>>>> are
>>>> decent black folks. They don't deserve your hatred, the thugs do.
>>> Who said anything about black people or 'people of color'?
>>> Why did you assume they were black? Seems as if you assumed they
>>> were black, then you somewhat agree with my alleged racist
>>> tendencies, no?
>> You're right! It makes perfect sense for a white guy to say a robbery had
>> made him a "newborn racist" when it was a white guy who robbed him. Or
>> tried
>> to.
> There are way more Mexicans in Texas.
My bad. What a huge mistake.
>Why didn't you assume they
> were Mexican? And why do you assume *I'm* White?
You're the whitest, Steve.
>> Just shut the hell up, Steve. Sometime that is the best damage control.
>> Black, brown, yellow, they were people of color or you would not have
>> said
>> what you said. Asshole.
> Seems you're falling all over yourself trying to do dome damage
> control. Truth is, you're nothing but a hypocrite.
All you have to do is stop saying stupid things. Wait, maybe that's not such
a small task.
No assault, attempted robbery, whatever, by any kind of person justified
your asinine "newborn racist" comment. You were perfectly set in your
victimhood and insisted on flooring it all the way to offensive asshole