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The Ranger[_7_] The Ranger[_7_] is offline
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Posts: 248
Default Rec: 15 Bean Soup & Smoked Ham

Giusi > wrote in message
> Your are wet.

Guisi! Gotta love it! "You're all wet." You're English is better than my
Italian but that's not why I'm replying.

> Every cold country has bean soup and they are all different! Maybe
> chili-bean soup for this one or even veg chili. But
> what's wrong with pasta e fagioli, which has no ham in it? Loads of bean
> soups are vegetarian, many countries don't
> make smoked hams. Ranger offered a recipe that sounds
> like it would make a tasty winter supper, so why does nb
> say it's the worst bean recipe he's ever seen?

I'll help you out herer. nb loves seeing people rise to the surface after
his chumming the waters with such a provocatively simple piece of prose.

If he could tell the difference between two beans in a blind-tasting after
cooking, I'd be surprised.

But he has taken rfc into a new level of food-based discussion, something
Duh-Wayne, Sheldumb, and Petri wouldn't understand.

The Ranger