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The worst recipe websites?
On Wed, 18 Feb 2009 21:36:26 -0600, Dan Goodman wrote:
> Jean B. wrote:
>> wrote:
>>>On Feb 15, 12:12 pm, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>> > James Silverton wrote:
>>> > > I don't regularly visit recipe web sites unless they come up in
>>> > > a search for a particular recipe. I used to read
>>> > > but you can't make comments there and a lot of
>>> > > the posters think they are performing a public service by
>>> > > indiscriminate dumping recipes they have not tried personally.
>>> > r.f.r (yes, not a site, but...) has been rather moribund lately.
>>> > I wonder when the transition will be taking place?
>>> Usenet is moribund.
>> You mean like this group? I hadn't noticed.
> This group, no. But the people who used to post on alt.recovery about
> Twelve Step Groups Are Evil (too Christian, not Christian enough -- one
> managed both those in one post) aren't around any longer; and almost
> nobody else is.
> fr.rec.cuisine used to get a lot of posts, but now gets rather few.
groups come and go, usenet goes on.
your pal,