Some Stimulus Package
On Wed, 18 Feb 2009 17:30:57 GMT, notbob wrote:
> On 2009-02-18, Gregory Morrow > wrote:
>> Yep, if most Americans won't do "stoop" labor like pick crops or prep food
>> in restaurants or whatever.... I can't see any "WPA" - type program involving
>> lotsa manual labor succeeding. We're waaay beyond the 30's era of work
>> camps and ditch - digging brigades and such...
> Funny, I've done prep, worked as both a janitor and ditch digger and would
> dod it again.
>> can't see that happening here, we've been too prosperous for too long,
> Maybe you haven't looked. Where I live, there are few illegals and most
> min-wage jobs are held by WASPs jes like myself. Walmart, restaurants,
> burger joints..... all American whitey's.
> I'm so sick of that bullshit mantra politicians have been spouting for the
> last 10 year, "Illegals do the work Amercans won't". It's a gawdamn lie and
> I'm here to tell you so.
> nb
what i find interesting is that republicans demonize illegal immigrants but
haven't lifted a finger to penalize those who hire them. what's up with
and sorry, n.b., american workers won't put up with working for sub-minimum
wages to pick crops under the threat that if they complain, they can be
deported. business owners like the current set-up just fine, which is why
it won't be changed anytime soon.