Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> Kathleen > wrote:
>>Dan Abel wrote:
>>I'll always stop to pick up change and add it to the handful in my
>>pocket. A few quarters will buy lunch for a student who might otherwise
>>be eating the free PB&J sandwich our district offers to those kids
>>without cash. It'll also buy protein snacks out of the vending machines
>>for kids at our alternative high school who haven't eaten since lunch
>>yesterday and can't think straight during the morning hours.
> School lunch at the local schools is now US$3.50. That's 14 quarters or
> 350 pennies. It used to be US$2.50 but that wasn't working. Most kids
> in the lunch program are subsidized. The district gets about US$1.00
> for each subsidized lunch. So PB&J it was, for US$2.50. They came
> frozen, in giant boxes. The kids and their parents weren't willing to
> pay US$2.50. So, they've upgraded the food considerably. But they just
> can't attract enough students at US$3.50. Everybody knows that kids
> need to have food in their stomachs to be able to learn, but the State
> of California cuts education funding every year, and the cuts have to
> come from somewhere.
Lunch at our high schools costs $1.95 - 8 quarters. I can dig twice
that out of the bottom of my purse on any given day.
Reduced cost (low income) lunch is $0.40. Their student ID#s are in the
computer but sometimes they don't even have the $0.40.
Daily offerings include:
Chicken Patty
Cheese Pizza
Pepperoni Pizza
Specialty Pizza
Chicken Tacos
Beef Tacos
The chicken tacos are a hell of a deal for the price. Chicken, beans,
rice, cheese, lettuce, jalapenos, salsa and sour cream piled into soft
tortillas (you get two), or over a boat of nacho chips, plus your choice
of a side item, a drink, and access to the "fixin's bar" stocked with
extra lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, etc.
The menu for Feb:
So yeah, I pick up change when I see it, you betcha, and I find ways to
pass it on... "Hey, you need to make sure your back pack is zipped up.
I found this on the floor behind your desk."