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Nancy Young[_2_] Nancy Young[_2_] is offline
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Default Restaurants in My Pocket!

blake murphy wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Feb 2009 12:10:34 -0500, Nancy Young wrote:

>> Coins are very bulky, and if you're a guy with just pockets,
>> how much change can you carry before they develop holes.
>> It stinks but I pretty much have to pay to get rid of coins.

> like the star machines in grocery stores that charge, i think, ten
> percent of the total. that sucks, doesn't it?

One one hand, it does, but it's nice to just drop it off and
be done with it. I don't accumulate that much change.
In the grand scheme of things it's just not worth getting
riled about.

> there was a bank near me that had a free counting machine. then they
> limited free counting to account holders, so i sunk a few hundred
> bucks there.

There's a bank around here, too, it used to be Commerce Bank,
now it's TD. I could go over there and get a free checking
account. It's just more trouble than it's worth to save maybe
5 bucks.

I could just get a gift card, as other people mentioned, for free.
I wish one of the gift cards could be for the supermarket where
the machine is located! Now, that would be handy.

> but forcing you to go through hoops to change coins is
> nothing new.

I certainly know that. I have found that charging everything
solves the change problem nicely.
