Susan wrote:
> x-no-archive: maybe
> Corey Richardson wrote:
> > I've always thought, probably mistakenly, that Tabbouleh was pronounced
> > "Tab-bow-lay". However, I've recently heard someone pronounce it
> > "Tab-boo-lee".
> >
> > Which is correct? Can anyone here clarify please?
> >
> > Many thanks in advance.
> >
> A Lebanese friend who makes the BEST, pronounces it tuh-boo-lee.
> Susan
"Well glaze my nipples and call me Susan!"
I have to hand it to the Lebs - they might be a bunch of low-life
violent thugs cruising the streets in hotted up jap cars, but they
sure know how to make a kebab and tabooleh!
Peter Lucas
I support the Greens, and I hope you do too: