In article >,
"l, not -l" > wrote:
> On 19-Feb-2009, "Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:
> > posts. Same thing for Om: I read their posts, but sometimes it's irksome
> > to
> > have to page down again and again to reach the new stuff.
> >
> > Bob
> My news reader moves to the bottom when I press Ctrl-End; unless the actual
> reply is very long, this easily positions me to read the new material,
> skipping past the quoted stuff.
Except that when replying to a very long post with many points, it is
considered most polite to reply to each point inline. By skipping to
the bottom, you will only see the last point. I'll have to admit that
this doesn't happen very often, but I try to do it as necessary.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA