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Andy[_15_] Andy[_15_] is offline
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Default Restaurants in My Pocket!

Terry Pulliam Burd said...

> I found a $10 app that works just *perfectly* called Fonix
> iSpeak. In fact, it works better than perfectly. It ran through my
> contact list and figured out how each contact was pronounced and I
> never even had to train it. Had very few mis-spoken contact hits, I
> might add. The first time I used iSpeak, it went right to the desired
> contact. Awesome. In now-hands-free California, voice recognition is
> really helpful.
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd


iSpeak sounds interesting. I read about it on the app store, on sale (?)
for $3.00.

I've used the freebie "I Say" push button speech software which works with
more than just contacts but it is not perfection by any stretch since it
does have to fetch wirelessly from the internet.

A few questions about Fonix's iSpeak...

Is it listening all the time?

If so...
Will it constantly be trying to fetch contacts, constantly and
And how does it affect battery life?



P.S. For a fun/mindless waste of boredome-time, grab "Arcade Bowling Lite"
if you like the arcade bowling game (Skee-Ball) of rolling the wood balls
up the ramp-lane into the concentric score rings! The $1.99 version lets
you fuss with the music and sound levels independently and a couple other
minor features. --A