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The Ranger[_7_] The Ranger[_7_] is offline
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Posts: 248
Default Rec: 15 Bean Soup & Smoked Ham

Dan Abel > wrote in message
> In article dth>,
> "The Ranger" > wrote:
>> notbob > wrote in message
>> ...
>> [snip]
>> > Which bean was the best?

>> Would you go to a symphony concert and only listen to one
>> instrument? Why would you limit that to others?

> Personally, that's a bad example. Symphonies sound like mush
> to me, especially if you are playing in one.

Pick your favorite metaphor then where joining multiple individual items
works towards a stronger end-result.

>> The dish was error-free and delicious. Unless you give it a try,
>> your baseless critisisms are less than an uniformed opinion.

> nb doesn't seem to want to let this one go, does he? Bean
> soups with only one kind of bean in them are good. Bean
> soups with more than one kind of bean in them are good.

My experience with single-bean soups is not as positive as yours but I'll
admit to not having experienced as much as you (yet).

> That's my personal opinion, and it's worth what you just paid for it.

So our gentleman's agreement prior is now null and void. 'K. That works for
me, too.

The Ranger