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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Posts: 7,545
Default That shiny new California state budget

In article >,
"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote:

> "Bob Terwilliger" > wrote in message
> ...
> > "The Legislature slashed $8.4 billion in funding for schools and community
> > colleges. As a result, the California Teachers Association predicts class
> > sizes will increase, thousands of teachers could be laid off and programs
> > will be eliminated."
> >
> > Because, you know, those kids were getting WAY overeducated.

> Slashed from the requested amount or the real number used last year? Sort
> of like asking the boss for a $1000 a week raise and if he gives you $100,
> you complain that your pay was cut $900.

This is a cut from last year's budget. Per pupil spending will go from
US$8,784 per year to US$8,404 per year.

> A lot of money was wasted in school systems. The US is #1 in spending,

But California was near the bottom already in per pupil spending among
the 50 states. I heard predictions that California would move down to
the #50 ranking.

> yet
> #10 in education. Why is that? Money does not mean good education.

Massive teacher layoffs are predicted. Who's going to teach the kids?
If money is cut by 5%, then more than 5% of the teachers need to be laid
off, because it's strictly by seniority, and the teachers who get laid
off are way down on the salary scale.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA