That shiny new California state budget
Ed Pawlowski > wrote in message
> "sf" > wrote in message
>>> A lot of money was wasted in school systems. The US is
>>> #1 in spending, yet #10 in education. Why is that? Money
>>> does not mean good education.
>> Before you bash, look at where the money was spent.
> I have. That is why I know there is waste. Much of it is in
> the top heavy administration. There are a lot of things wrong
> with the typical school system and it starts with parents that
> are not interested enough to get involved.
Which school district were you a member of the board with that allowed you
to view salaries of the entire administration of that system? Which school
were you a member of the school's site council reviewing where the budgetted
money was being spent? Which school were you a volunteer at during the day,
inside the classroom, seeing the "waste" you claim is there? Where does your
state rank in spending on students? How many of the students in those
top-heavy, non-parent backed schools have special education students being
mainstreamed because the parents demanded it? How many aides are there in
each school dedicated to 1:1 or 1:4 or 1:8 student-assisted learning? Where
are the public schools in your district ranked (state-wide)?
"Discipline" from the old days isn't done anymore, thankfully.
You act like you have all the answers -- slash the money, increase
class-size, and punish those that don't perform -- when your ignorance alone
shows your true knowledge.
If you were the true business maven you make yourself out, you'd have a
developed opinion beyond the "because look at me" shout you always post.
Yes, there are school districts out there that need to trim their
superintendent's perks and bring their other district administrators'
salaries into line with everything else in the school system... But slashing
budgets to schools being mandated by Federal and State laws to teach to NCLB
won't bring the changes you expect.
The Ranger